Anonymous's blog

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Library Book Rank

Have been wanting to link to this blog post since quite a while now. It introduces a very neat concept of a "Library Book Rank" or "Library Holding Rank" similar to "google page rank". I really liked this idea a lot!! It is a very interesting concept and has a lot of potential in discovering the social and cultural aspects of our readers.

Could we use this gold-mine of information in building user-context, personalization, recommendations, search etc? But how do we account for the difference in user behaviour when interacting with technology online and in libraries? Will there be a disconnect in these scenarios? I think these are very interesting questions to think about. Anyway, you can find some of my comments on it here. I really feel that it would be soooo much fun working on something like this.. what say? :)

What do African women want?

A very interesting blog post on what African women think!!! I was really really surprised... Are we living in the 16th century B.C.??

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Is the German population really dwindling?

On one hand China has this strict one child policy to keep check of the population explosion and on the other hand, the German govt. is giving incentives to its people to have more children - This article brings up issues about balancing work and family life for women, gender equality in germany etc. etc. I was surprised to see that men and women were not treated so much as equals in germany!

Thursday, March 23, 2006

a cute email...

A very cute email by a 10 year old to the authors of freakonomics.... makes me want to know more about the differences in the primary school system in US and India.... at least i found the grad school experience here in US worth it!!... and now i am also curious to read the book "freakonomics"....

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Keep trying...

The only way to ensure you'll lose is not to try!